E: jmayer84@illinois.edu
P: 217.333.9645
Jim Mayer is a training specialist with the Illinois Center for Transition and Work at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Prior to becoming a training specialist, Jim served as a transition specialist for 21 years, coordinating transition and work experiences via the Secondary Transition Experience Program (STEP) for transition-aged students with a range of disabilities in Champaign County, Illinois. Jim’s earlier work experience includes 13 years as a coordinator of supported employment services for adults with developmental and/or psychiatric disabilities in Piatt County, Illinois. Over the years, Jim has presented at a number of local, state, regional, and national conferences and workshops, on a variety of topics related to transition and employment for individuals with disabilities. He is a current and longtime member of the Association for Person’s Supporting Employment-First (APSE). From 2001 through 2008, Jim served as a training consultant and collaborator with the University of Illinois, Region V, CRP-RCEP (Community Rehabilitation Providers–Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program), through a project coordinated by Dr. John Trach in the Department of Special Education.