What types of support does ICTW provide during TTA?
The type of support provided depends on the goals of the project. Types of support we offer our TTA Partners may include:
- Individual and group consultations
- Small group inservices
- Sharing resources (e.g., assessments, curricula)
- Arranging visits to other schools/programs
- Connecting TTA partners with agencies and organizations
- Providing input on materials development
- Demonstrating techniques (e.g., how to approach employers)
- Observing and providing feedback on instructional practices
- Suggesting applicable webinars and workshops
- Facilitating program development meetings
Is there any type of support you do not provide?
We do not provide funding or evaluate programs. Instead, we offer our time and expertise to help you build capacity and achieve your goals.
What are some examples of TTA projects?
The scope of TTA projects varies widely. Some projects involve development of new programs while others focus more narrowly on enhancing a particular aspect of a program. The type of project you pursue is based on your school’s needs and priorities. Below are sample goals established with our TTA Partners.
- Expand job sites in the community and refine job training practices.
- Develop a scope and sequence for vocational skills and work experiences across grade levels.
- Identify appropriate vocational assessments and a process for using assessment data to inform instruction.
- Develop and implement a strategy for training and supervising job coaches.
- Develop a transition to work program.
- Develop 1 to 2 work-based learning sites at large businesses that can serve multiple students.
- Create behavioral supports for students in community work-based learning experiences.
- Develop a process for collecting ongoing data and making data-based decisions to inform student work experiences.
- Redefine the structure of work experiences to align with students’ vocational interests.
How long does TTA last?
We work with each TTA Partner for one year. If needed, TTA may be renewed for a second year.
Is there a cost for receiving TTA?
No. TTA is free!
Who is eligible to apply for TTA?
Schools/programs that provides special education services to transition-age youth ages 14 - 22.