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ICTW Staff Resources / ICTW Staff Travel Resources

ICTW Travel Guidelines and Reimbursement Procedures

University of Illinois policy states that employees must “travel by the most economical mode of transportation available considering travel time, costs, and work requirements.”

Day Travel
  • Prior authorization is not needed for travel that occurs within one workday.
  • Per university policy, reimbursements for travel mileage begin at your residence or the university depending on which one is closer to your destination.
  • Within two weeks of travel, complete the ICTW Day Travel Reimbursement form.
    • No documentation is required UNLESS you have receipts for parking, tolls, bridge fees or other similar allowable expenditures.
    • The documentation necessary for reimbursing mileage is created in Chrome River based on the addresses of the locations you travel.
  • Jenell will complete your report within two weeks of receiving your form.
  • After your expense report is complete, you will receive an email notification from Chrome River to approve your report. You can approve your report via the email or by logging into Chrome River. You must approve the report before the university-wide circulation process begins.
  • Once your report circulates and is fully approved, you will receive a notification of payout. Your payout will be direct deposited into the account where you receive salary compensation on the date indicated in your email notification.
Overnight Travel (Prior to travel)
  • Prior authorization is needed for overnight travel.
  • At least one month before your travel, and prior to booking any travel arrangements, submit your travel request.
    • Be sure to include all anticipated expenses, including mileage, airfare, lodging, conference fees, etc. Please note: this amount is just an estimation; it is preferred to overestimate than under.
    • On the Destination/page 3 of the form, please mark “yes” to the question “Do you require travel or lodging by your Office Support Staff and/or a Travel Advance?” and add your air fare and lodging details, including any confirmation numbers as applicable.
    • If you wish to interrupt travel for personal reasons, please inform us on the travel authorization form.
  • After you receive approval of your travel request, contact Jenell to assist with booking travel arrangements.
Overnight Travel (Following travel)
  • Within two weeks of travel, complete the ICTW Overnight Travel Reimbursement form.
  • Documentation will be required to process your request. Please upload copies of receipts for any allowable travel expenditures (same as day travel), in addition to the following as applicable:
    • Hotel folio: Typically, the notice you receive under the door for quick check out, this is necessary to document overnight travel to process per diem payments. This may be the same document as your hotel bill if it shows a zero balance.
    • Hotel bill: Marked paid/zero balance by hotel; or if not marked, attach your charge receipt or cancelled check.
    • Conference brochure: Needed for proof of conference hotel and dates of the conference was held.
    • Shuttle service/taxis receipts
        • Rental car receipt: Rental should be approved in advance by department; if not, please give justification for rental. If applicable, please submit gas receipts for rental car as well.
      • Jenell will complete your report within two weeks of receiving your form AND all required documentation.
      • After your expense report is complete, you will receive an email notification from Chrome River to approve your report. You can approve your report via the email or by logging into Chrome River. You must approve the report before the university-wide circulation process begins.
      • Once your report circulates and is fully approved, you will receive a notification of payout. Your payout will be direct deposited into the account where you receive salary compensation on the date indicated in your email notification.
      UI System Office of Business and Financial Services Resources
      College of Education Finance Office Resources